Meissen, the first factory of porcelain in Europe, ever since 1710 makes unique, handmade objects, which even today represent the symbol of luxury and exquisite taste…
It was 1710 when the first factory of porcelain in Europe was founded - Meissen, which since 1722 has adopts the sigil of crossed blue swords of Saxon army on white base, which is the oldest sigil of any brand of porcelain, and today is still the symbol of high quality, luxury and taste.
Special way of making and extreme value of this porcelain is that today, after 300 years of manufacturing, all the items are still handmade, and by that each product is unique and one of the kind. Recognizable and colorful motifs of Meissen, are often encrusted by noble metals (gold and platinum) and they even more emphasize the beauty of these amazing products.
Today in Meissen factory you can specially order more than 150 000 different items, and documentation and forms are collected for a couple of hundred different items, which have been made in previous centuries. High quality and art paintings on the products makes Meissen one of the most important porcelain makers in the world, because every product has cobalt blue sigil of crossed swords which are rare and unique objects, which get more valuable and important as they get older.