Tired of drinking their favorite beverage from bland cups that not only look awful but also detract from the taste of the coffee, Andreas Bös and Jonathan Strauss have just launched DEVIEHL.

Eighteen months of engineering have gone into creating the perfect and most luxurious of coffee cups. Each piece is a technical masterpiece composed of 25 separate components. Incorporating advanced insulation technology, coffee is kept at its optimal drinking temperature for a longer period of time.

The inner form, a result of complex fluid dynamics research, is optimised to ensure maximum “Crema” formation. Each DEVIEHL cup is not only a technological masterpiece but an aesthetic delight. The highly distinctive signature design, features a conically shaped cup that fits into a profiled base by means of a special retaining mechanism.

Crafted from a fusion of unconventional materials, including exotic woods such as Cocobolo and Zebrano, hydrophobic leathers and carbon fiber, drinking from a DEVIEHL is a tactile sensation that enhances the coffee drinking experience.

Ideas Home & Garden

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