Have you ever the the chance to admire a swan sleeping?
Inspired by the unique position adopted by these imperial creatures while they rest, Iran-based designer Ali Alavi imagined an elegant shape suited for spaces that need to express modern sophistication. Named the Serenad Chair, this bent chair design imitates the curvaceous body of a sleeping swan as it floats on water. Imagine the sumptuous bird with its head between the winds – there is nothing like it.
This unique sleeping position was so inspiring for the designer, that he chose to depict it in the shape of a household item. By choosing modern materials, the designer also captured reflections of the water as the bird gently floats on the body surface. With a chrome finish, the sinuously shaped chair mirrors colors and patterns in its proximity, creating an extravagant effect. Perfect for contemporary home, the Serenad Chair proves once again that nature holds the best forms of inspiration.