Fendi Casa offers pieces for the entire home with a complete collection ranging from contemporary, modern, and classic...

Innovation and tradition, craftsmanship and research... A collection skilfully split up into different lines and perspectives, excellence as a common denominator, in total harmony with the brand philosophy. Furniture units, sofas, armchairs, poufs, chaise longue, consoles, beds, day-beds: the elements of daily life seen, experienced and interpreted according to Fendi style.

The out-of-the ordinary finishes and care for detail confirm the authentic value of the products. Made in Italy, always well interpreted in the exaltation of the selleria and in the top-quality craftsmanship, is reproduced according to unconventional principles. The textile accessories, the decorations and each single skilfully-declined object, become even more unique and desirable. A wide range of lighting proposals, made of glass, Murano glass and other precious materials, in line with the Fendi style.



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