Fun ideas for a couples’ game night

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Spending quality time with your partner is one of the keys to a happy and healthy relationship.

There are many ways to do this, from joint adventures and holidays to cosy nights in. Games nights are increasingly popular for couples to bring out their playful sides and mix up usual weekly routines. Here are some fun ideas to try for your next or first couples’ game night.

Vintage games nights

Enjoy an evening of old classics with a vintage game night. It’s a chance to bring back the simplicity and charm of old-school gaming. You can choose between strategy-based board games or simple card games that require nothing more than a deck and some inspiration.

The beauty of vintage games is their simple yet engaging gameplay, which ensures everyone can join in easily. Go the extra mile and set the mood with some retro-inspired décor. A checkered tablecloth or some classic tunes in the background can help to fully immerse yourselves in the nostalgic vibe.

Online games nights

If you enjoy your games digital, an online games night may be a better option. Select games that encourage cooperative play or ones that pit you against each other in friendly competition. There’s everything from Deal or No Deal bingo to online drawing games.

The convenience of online games means you can also connect with other couples remotely and turn your game night into a virtual double or group date. Ensure you have a stable internet connection and set up a comfortable space where both of you can enjoy the evening side by side.

Sports nights

Introduce some more competition with a sports-themed game night. This doesn't have to mean sweating it out. Instead, you can incorporate mini-games that involve sports trivia or indoor putting and mini-basketball hoops.

Dressing up in sporty gear and creating a mini "arena" at home can add to the fun. This idea is ideal for injecting some action into the evening and can be a hilarious way to challenge each other's athletic prowess—or lack thereof—in a playful environment.

Food-inspired nights

Combine the excitement of games with your love of food by hosting a food-inspired game night. Involve games centred around cooking challenges where you each create dishes from a selected group of ingredients within a time limit.

Another fun idea is to have a taste-test challenge, where one blindfolds the other to guess the ingredients or dishes. Test you partner’s knowledge on their favourite snacks or include different brands of their favourite drink to see if they can tell the difference. These activities not only make for an entertaining night but also allow you to collaborate and enjoy homemade creations together. You might even find a new favourite to add to your meal planner!