This time we present you a small, old-fashioned radio which comes from England...
This vintage model radio is titled Revival Mini, and it is created by a manufacturer Roberts Radio. For this device, we can say that it is the sweetest thing from the range of radios that we have seen so far. However, do not let his old-fashioned look fool you - it is equipped with modern technology such as stereo socket for connecting to iPad or MP3 player, and there is the entrance to the modern headphones. Its design is clearly inspired by the fifties of the last century with golden details, carry strap and rotary controls.
Its dimensions are 145mm x 180 mm x 145 mm, and it weighs about 1.1 kg, which means it is perfect for indoor or outdoor space. Built-in rechargeable battery is a great convenience, because you can carry your radio with you to the beach, a picnic, or anywhere else. This portable radio has a multitude of other audio functions such as multi preset mode button for your favorite radio station, easy to read LCD display and more. When using it indoors, it can work when plugged in an electrical outlet, so you do not have to waste the battery.
Also, the company has a slightly larger model portable radio, called Revival, and is available in several versions. Some of them are already sold out because of its physical and aesthetic characteristics of high demand.