As memories of the OceanGate submarine implosion disaster remain fresh, Ohio investor Larry Connor is undeterred...
A practical man with a touch of optimism, Connor aims to prove that the world shouldn't close the door on the luxurious idea of deep-sea exploration. He plans to descend to the depths where the Titanic wreck lies, in a two-person submarine, to demonstrate that the journey can be made safely. Connor told The Wall Street Journal, “I want to show people around the world that while the ocean is incredibly powerful, it can also be wonderful and truly life-changing if approached correctly.”
To turn his words into action, Connor is teaming up with Patrick Lahey, co-founder and CEO of submarine manufacturer Triton Submarines. Lahey is considered one of the most experienced submarine operators in the world, having reached the deepest point in the ocean, descending over 35,000 feet below the surface in the western Pacific. Connor has already ventured into the Mariana Trench, the deepest oceanic trench on Earth.
The duo is ready for a new adventure in a $20 million two-person submarine called the Triton 4000/2 Abyssal Explorer, named "4000" after the depth in meters it can reach. This is their way of dispelling the paralyzing fear of the challenges of exploration. After the OceanGate submarine imploded in June, killing all five people on board, Lahey said that Connor called him and said, “You know, what we need to do is build a submarine that can repeatedly and safely dive to [the depths where the Titanic is] and show the world that it can be done, and that the Titan was an improvisation.”
When the duo will plan their trip to the Titanic wreck site has not yet been announced, but they are certainly ready to embark on the journey.