Mystical river in South America filled with excitement and miraculous creatures...

While floating on the second longest river of the world, 6992 km long, you will experience an amazing adrenalin hit and excitement which rarely happens. With the undoubtedly biggest riverbed, Amazon River has been awaking the curiosity amongst numerous explorers and curios visitors. While passing through several states of South America, all the way to the Atlantic Ocean, Amazon has kept its recognizable appearance with its restless spirit. Riverbed is 1.6 to 10 km wide, depending on the state through which this magical river flows. River Amazon has many tributaries of numerous rivers in Colombia, Ecuador and Brazil. First European which discovered Amazon was Vincete Yanez Pinzon, during the year 1500. He named it the „sweet sea“ because it flows into the Atlantic ocean.

Average depth of Amazon is 23 meters, which speaks quite enough of its grandiosity and size. Surrounded by tropical forests, this river often runs out of its bed and creates a magical scene which can’t be seen anywhere else in the world. Some of the most dangerous animal species live rights here like Bika sharks, piranhas and eels. It is almost unreal to know that over 5600 animal species were discovered in its depths. Today, river Amazon is one of the most extraordinary tourist destinations, because of its beauty and untamed nature. Set out to an adventure of your life, discover Amazon...

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